When it comes to finding finance for college, there are many things that ought to be known in order to successfully get approved without delays or hassles. By following these guidelines youll be able to turn the odds to your side and get a much better deal when searching for student loans.
There are many questions that need to be answered before rushing in to apply for a student loan: Which loan do I need? How much money will I request? How long do I want the loan to last? What if I already have outstanding loans? How about the interest rate? Lets go step by step and answer these questions before going on:
Loan Types
There are mainly two types of student loans: Government student loans and private student loans. Federal Student Loans come with lower interest rates and are provided without consideration of credit score or history while private student loans carry higher interest rates, have more flexible terms that can be negotiated with the lender and approval is subject to credit checks. In order to get a federal student loan you need to meet several requirements that are not necessary for private student loans.
Loan Amount
The amount of money youll be able to request depends on the loan type and on your credit score. Federal Student Loans come with preset amounts while private Student Loans are more flexible. However, the amount of money youll be able to request with private student loans will be determined by your credit score and history. But, when it comes to loan amount, you should only request the exact amount you need. Nevertheless, try to foresee if you will have future expenses youll need to cover as you might not be able to get approved for another loan while this is due.
Loan Length
The loan can last between 2 and 20 years or more. What you need to consider is how fast you want to get rid of your student debt after graduation and what is the amount of the monthly payments youll be able to afford when you graduate. Dont rest assured youll get a job right away, try to foresee any difficulties and save money to cover for them.
Outstanding Loans
If you have other loans you may want to refinance or consolidate into a single loan in order to reduce your monthly payments. You can request a student loan big enough to pay off the outstanding loans and finance your expenses with the remaining of the loan. In any case, watch the interest rates closely as it might be a better deal to leave the outstanding loans untouched.
Interest Rate
If possible get a fixed interest rate, the length of this kind of loans is long enough to worry about market variations that may raise your variable interest rate too much, turning monthly payments into an unbearable burden.
The key to getting an excellent deal is to shop around for lenders. If you dont qualify for government grants or loans, you can still get a competitive loan if you take the time to search for the right lender. Ask for loan quotes and compare them before selecting the lender youll be applying to.
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