If you are considering combining your outstanding credit card balances into one place, you might be curious about the best way to benefit from a low introductory rate. The switch to a 0% APR card is not a difficult one, but you should have a plan in place to maximize your savings and pay down your principle debt.
Simple Steps
Even though it is a fairly easy process to consolidate into a 0% APR card, there are a few simple steps to ensure you dont get burned in the process. First, if your goal is to make headway on your balances, find a card that has a 0% APR. Most balance transfer cards come with a 12 month 0% APR grace period. Others, instead of granting a grace period, will have one lower than average APR from the get go. The advantage to this second type of card is that you keep that low rate, whereas a typical 0% APR card will ramp up to a rate that is a little more common. The point of getting a 0% APR card is not to just give you immediate relief from interest payments. It is to give yourself an opportunity to pay down that debt without the added burden of paying the credit card executives salaries. So, when you get this opportunity dont fritter it away; even if you dont pay-off your entire balance, your interest payments after the grace period will be greatly reduced if you make some progress.
Feel the Power
the willpower, that is. You can do wonders for your credit score and financial situation if you use your 0% APR card with discretion. However, if you make late payments, or only small payments while adding to the overall balance, then you could easily get yourself into trouble. The worst possible credit-card-induced feeling is to have a big balance creep up on you, and to realize higher interest rates are coming along for the ride. The single biggest pitfall to avoid is the temptation to sit on your 0% interest, and spend your money elsewhere. Take advantage of the opportunity and youll find yourself on sounder footing.
Have a Plan
The best way to go about this transition is to have a well thought out plan. You can approach this opportunity any number of ways; your personal financial situation should dictate your needs. It might sound trite, but studies show that those who formulate a well thought out plan before embarking on a new endeavor are much more likely to succeed. Sitting down and thinking about your goals, whether that be partial payment of the balance or payment in full, will help you create a more stable financial picture. You really can maximize this opportunity!
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